Who we are. Why we're here.

Vision: Ensure a dynamic workforce by fully developing every student's career and academic potential.

Mission: Prepare Arizona students for workforce success and continuous learning. (Shea Padilla)

Welcome BMHS students!!

Please check back often and let me know how you would like to improve our site.
Thank you.

28 April 2011

Yet another

Awesome students. This time I really am sick. I will not be in on Friday.

Bell Work: Make up your own question and answer it, OK?

As you've probably noticed, Voki does not work at BMHS. Go figure. 

Once again, we are going to try the 10 minutes of keyboarding at this site. NOTE: this site will NOT work with internet explorer. You must use Firefox or Google Chrome. If you do not have these on your computer, take the few minutes needed and download one of them.

After the ten minutes (do more if you want), log onto this site again and choose two articles to read. Then post summaries of the article on your blog. 

Next, write a post on your blog about what you like most/least about blogging. This needs to be several (complete) sentences. 
After you do that, go to two other blogs you are following and leave comments about what they have written.

Have a great week-end.
Do Hard Things,.

Friday Finishes

Try this one.

27 April 2011


Students, there are 21 days of school remaining, counting exam days. Those days can make quite a difference in your final grade. Get your work in and stay focused. Finish strong.

Bell Work: If this entire class could work on projects together on the computers, what kind of projects would you want to do?

Today we are going to try to make Vokis. If this works, and I doubt if it will, we will create a Voki and place it in our blogs. 
After we do that, we will read an article on how technology is being used in other classrooms and write a summary on that article. Post the summary on your blog. On Friday, you must read the summaries of two (or more) other students and post a comment on both their blogs.
Do Hard Things,.

26 April 2011

Tuesday (Windy)

Bell Work: When was the last time you made a promise to someone and kept it? When was the last time someone made a promise to you and didn't keep it?

Most of you have not finished the Tourist Vacation Plan. This 150-point project is due today. Make sure you check off all the requirements for the presentation.

  • Seven slides
  • custom backgrounds 
  • 2 pictures of attractions with captions for each city
  • "Notes" typed for each slide
  • animations for each slide
  • transitions for each slide
  • auto shapes on maps

Do Hard Things,.

24 April 2011

Monday, and I'd rather be running

Awesome students: Today we will be working on the Tourist Vacation Plan. The handouts are on your desks. Do an awesome job and e-mail the finished product to me.

Bell Work: Finish this sentence: The most interesting thing I learned in Computer Apps this year has been...
Do Hard Things,.

20 April 2011

Wednesday Work

As always, you can check the blog by clicking on the link under "Do Hard Things."

Bell Work: What advantages does blogging have over writing letters to your friends? What are some disadvantages?

Today, there is a handout for a PowerPoint Presentation that you will do IF your blog is up to date. (10 links related to your career choice, 5 followers, five people you're following, pictures uploaded.) The PowerPoint will then be uploaded to your blog. Cool.
Do Hard Things,.

19 April 2011

Tuesday, Tuesday

Bell Work: What is the difference between a job and a career?

Next, take 10 minutes and practice your keyboarding

On your blog today, post these items (with pictures, clip art, photos):

   1.1            define success for yourself

   1.2           identify your values

   1.3         identify your strengths and personality

   1.4  identify your skills and aptitudes
After you have done this, send me a link to your blog (copy and paste your hme page into an e-mail). Let me know if you are ready to add video or audio. We want to have these done by the end of class on Wednesday.

18 April 2011

I think I'm going to barf!

What is happening in this world of ours???
The Death of Spider-Man??? No Way!!!

15 April 2011

Monday: How to create a blog, and more

I hope you all had a fantastic week-end. This is a short week: three days. Let's get some stuff done.
Blogs: Here is the minimum you should have by now:
  • a blog with at least one post
  • a picture
  • 10 links to websites that are related to your career choice
  • 5 people you are following
Today, we will add audio.
Also, for your post today: Make a top five list of favorite things to do that you haven’t done in over a year.

Bell work: How can you tell if the information you get from a website is valid (accurate, reliable)?

Do Hard Things,.

Friday Finishes

Bell Work: Finish this sentence: "This week-end I am going to make myself proud by deliberately... " OR, "This week-end I am not going to make myself proud because..."

Today, we are going to add pictures and voice to your blogs.

13 April 2011

Thursday (named after the Norse god Thor, the god of thunder)

Bell Work: Finish this sentence: "I would consider enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.) because..."  OR, "I would never consider enlisting in the U.S. Armed Forces (Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force, and Coast Guard.) because..."

Today, we will continue to work on our blogs (the other computer apps classes are jealous). You should have 10 links that connect to sites that are relevant to your career choice.

You should also have a list of five people you are following, and five people who are following you.
You should also add a photo of yourself (or an avatar of yourself)
If you have finished all of this, please help anyone you see struggling (do this quietly, please). 

On Friday, we will add a video and a podcast (audio) to your blog.

Wednesday Work

Bell Work: Finish this sentence: "If I had to pay for my high school education, I would because....   OR, I would not because..."

Career SEarch Planners should all be turned in by now. Everyone should have his/her own blog. Everyone should, at least, have several links for web sites that pertain to your career choice. 

After adding pertinent links, we want to start adding followers, and start following others. We want to add pictures, slide shows, and voice. 
Do Hard Things,.

12 April 2011

Another Tuesday

Awesome students, please get your bell work in within the first 10 minutes of class. That is when I will be moving it to you class period's folder. Bell work will not be accepted after the first 10 minutes of each class.
Bell work: Complete this sentence: If I could add one course to this school's classes, I would add...

Where we've been:  If you have created a blog (which is an ongoing project), you received 100 points. The next assignment was to add a gadget of "link List," and to add 10 links that had something to do with the career that you researched in the "Career Search Planner," (a 200-point project).  
Where we are going
  • on your blog, add a gadget to your blog that lists others' blogs--get some from your friends. (10 points each blog, 50 points max).
  • record your voice and embed it into a new post (I will guide you on this one)
Both assignment are worth 50 points

Do Hard Things,.

11 April 2011

Monday Mornings

I hope you enjoyed your week-end.

Bell Work: Complete this sentence: My greatest fear about high school is....

Today, we need to finish our Career Search Planners. Do not hand write them; this is a computer class. All work needs to be done using the computer. Follow the format. If the bullet asks for 3-5 sentences, don't write one and think you will get full credit. This is a 200 point project. Treat it as such. Answer all the questions; if you do great work, but only answer half the questions, you will get half a grade.

If, and when you have finished this project, go to the blog you created and add ten web-sites or blogs or wikis that are of interest to you and your career choice. Examples could be the colleges you're thinking about attending, or the city where you will be living, the car you'll be driving. Anything that relates to you post high school life.
Do Hard Things,.

10 April 2011

Does it Really Matter?

"No matter how close to yours and another's steps have grown,
In the end there is one dance you'll do alone." (Jackson Browne)
It's Sunday afternoon. About an hour ago, we got a phone call from our son. A friend of mine died. Richard was 62 years old. He lived hard. He died hard. He made so many mistakes in his life, and, in his last six months, had so many regrets.

But Richard did some really good things, too. You see, he was the father to my step-children, Karen and Richie. Karen is the mother of my very best friend in the whole world: Daniel, my 8-year-old grandson. Karen's also the mother of the most incredible person I've ever known: Anna, my 6-year-old granddaughter.

There's sadness everywhere right now. I cry as I write this. The tears aren't so much for me, but for the ones I love--my step-children and my grandchildren. I hurt because they hurt.

On days like this, it makes me wonder: What does matter?

R.Burd, Teacher

07 April 2011

Finals Schedule & Friday Finishes

Friday, we will continue to work on the Career Search Planner that was passed out on Friday. If you need another hard copy, please ask. Otherwise, you can find the file attached to this e-mail, or on Thursday's blog.

Bell Work: List 3 Rules that you would like to see put into place in this classroom.
  1. ______________________________________
  2. ______________________________________
  3. ______________________________________

  • Monday, May 23: Periods 1-6 (Regular Bell Schedule)
  • Tuesday, May 24: Periods 1-6 (Regular Bell Schedule)
Everyone Else:
  • Wednesday, May 25
  • Period 1----7:45 - 9:05
  • Period 2----9:10 - 10:30
  • Period 3----10:35 - 11:55
  • Lunch ------11:55 - 12:15
  • Buses leave at 12:15

  • Thursday, May 26
  • Period 4----7:45 - 9:05
  • Period 5----9:10 - 10:30
  • Period 6----10:35 - 11:55
  • Lunch ------11:55 - 12:15
  • Buses leave at 12:15

Do Hard Things,.

Thursday Morning

Awesome students: on Wednesday, many of you created your own blog. Today, we are going to put that on hold and return to career pursuits. We will pick up the blogging on Monday.

Bell Work: What is a wiki? Do you see any applications for it in a computer apps class?

Your assignment for today and tomorrow is attached. This is a lengthy project, so you do not have time to play games. If I see you off task, you will suffer consequences.  Make sure you save your work often. 

04 April 2011


Good Day, awesome students.

I won't be able to come in today. 

Bell Work: Say something nice to our guest speaker.

Follow these links: Google lesson

After viewing this slide show, do this: Believe it or Not Student Team Challenge. Students form teams of two or more. Each team will brainstorm and come up with one "Believe it or not" hoax. For example: UFO sightings. Student teams can search for these topics and assess the credibility of some of the results they come up with on the search results page.  
Finally, look at this slide show: Searching with Google, and then do this: 
 create a handout, poster, or comic demonstrating search techniques.

Do Hard Things,.

01 April 2011

Friday Finishes

"We run our best at the finish." (World famous cross country coach.)

Bell Work·        When was the last time someone made a (hopefully positive) suggestion to you that you used? What made you change? Logic or Emotions?
Today is the first day of the rest of your life. Success begins with a decision. Choose to do the right thing. So many people are more concerned with finding the right person rather than being the right person.
Today, find attached a sample of a program for a play. Individually, you need to create one for the BMHS Drama play. Details are attached. 

When: April 13th, 14th, and15th
Time:7:00 pm each of the evenings listed
Place:Glassford Hill Middle School Auditorium

Cast List
Cast List for Arsenic And Old Lace

Mortimer Brewster -----------------Cody McGiffin
Elaine Harper------------------------Colleen Sullivan
Abby Brewster-----------------------Mandy Ryan
Martha Brewster---------------------Tegan Condet
Teddy Brewster----------------------Richard Fink III
Jonathan Brewster-------------------Tyler Anderson
Dr. Einstein---------------------------Jordan Becker
Mrs. Witherspoon--------------------Ayla Bowman
Officer O’Hara-----------------------Tylor Bell
Lieutenant Rooney------------------Alec Petzoldt
Officer Brophy----------------------Tomas Medevielle
Officer Klein------------------------Tanner Greer
Mr. Gibbs----------------------------Brendan Rogers
Reverend Harper--------------------David Royer

        Directed by---------James Pyduck
        Stage Manager-----Sarah Ireland
